Who… Me?

My name is Evan Merriwether, and simply put… I’m a young man with a passion for art in general. From music, to painting, to dance, I’ve spent a good portion of my life doing them all. Now, as an adult, I’ve made the decision to build a career doing something I love.

I was born in Houston, Texas, but spent the majority of my life growing up in Saudi Arabia as the child of American expats. In the Middle East, I attended an international school up until age 14, after which, I flew back to America to attend boarding school in Middletown, Delaware. It was a small school called St. Andrews, and it was there that I fully immersed myself in learning different artistic disciplines that caught my interest.

After graduating, I came back to Texas and received my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing from Trinity University in San Antonio. Though my degree is unrelated to my current profession, it has helped me immensely in getting my name out on the internet, as well as running my business. Simply put, I’m a designer with a marketing department in his back pocket! That’s the short version of my story so far… and in a way, that short story is what brought you here to read another one...


~ Evan M.

Author & Illustrator of House Oriyon